Beloved, we are living in the end times – make sure your sins are covered by the blood of Jesus.
Gospel songs by The White Sisters
Some of these gospel songs by The White Sisters go right back to my teenage years. Many of these songs speak to my heart, and I trust they will be a blessing to you.
Jesus wants to be King of our hearts.
This morning I went to the bathroom at 4 am, then lay in bed for the next hour counting my troubles! So I decided to get up at 5 am and ended up doing this section on the website! Beloved, count your blessings!
4. Have you any room for Jesus
Dear friend, give your heart to Jesus today, because nobody can promise tomorrow, and eternity is a long long time.
Jesus said that the Father wants people to worship Him. Worship God as The White Sisters lead us in this good old gospel song!
7. I am not worthy the least of His favor
8. Never alone
11. Room at the cross – A Gospel Song by The White Sisters
13. So send I you
This old gospel song digs way down deep in my heart. Over the years I have often thought of this song, and am happy to have found it sung by The White Sisters. I spent about 17 years of my life living by faith and trying to work for Jesus. Some people got saved, some got healed, some got filled with the Holy Ghost. In eternity, it is what we have done for Jesus that will count.
18. Where could I go
19. Wounded for me
Healing stories 3 – Cancer healed
It is a terrible thing to hear the doctor say that you have cancer.
Our doctor wanted me to go to a far away city to have the top part of my ear cut off. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted God to heal me. I had this problem for a couple of years, but couldn’t seem to get healed. I prayed and prayed, but nothing worked. I prayed for other people too, in the hope that I could get healed. Still, nothing helped.
Then our doctor sent me to a specialist. He also said I had cancer, and wanted me to go to the far away city for radiation and chemotherapy. I didn’t want to do that either. Then our doctor called in another doctor, and he too said I had cancer, and wanted the top of my ear cut off in the far away city hospital. I didn’t feel like having part of my ear cut off. I would look like a real dork!
When our doctor first checked me, she also felt under my ears to see if it had gone into my lymph glands. Some years earlier, I had read a book by Esther Williams, about how her husband had a cancer problem that went into his lymph glands, and he died about two weeks later. So it could be very serious. But still, I wanted God to heal me.
Some years earlier, I had a comb with a metal clip on it so that it would be able to clip on my top pocket. I don’t know where I got the comb, but one time when I combed my ear it must have cut my skin. The cut didn’t seem to heal up. I used to love going to the swimming pool, but I saw a sign saying that you are not allowed in the pool if you have an open sore. So I had to quit going to the pool. That was very disappointing, as I loved diving off the spring board and cooling off in the summer.
This ear problem went on for a number of years. I didn’t know what to do about my problem, but kept hoping God would heal me. I have had a few healings before, so I knew God could heal me, if He wanted to. When I was young, I had a cracked spine, and I got healed. Then I had eczema in my feet, and got healed of that big problem too. My cracked spine got healed six years after the car accident by claiming that “With the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” Instantly the pain left my spine. When I had the eczema problem I kept making the same claim, but it didn’t work. After six months, I made a promise to pray for the sick in my meetings, and then I got healed on the very first night that I prayed for the sick people. I tried both these things on my cancer, but still, I couldn’t get healed.
Then one morning in church, the lady leading the song service said something like this: “Instead of praying for healing all the time, let’s just thank the Lord for healing.” The Holy Spirit seemed to take those words and burn them on my heart. When I got home, I went to the Bible Gateway program on my computer and typed in the word “thank” in the King James Version of the Bible, to find all the verses on the subject. I think I found 132 verses about giving thanks. One verse in particular, seemed to stand out to me: “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5, 20)
I have to use tricks to help me memorize the verse: Giving thanks always = GTA = Greater Toronto Area. So I think of it as ‘Toronto FAT’ to help me to remember. When I count on my fingers, E is the fifth letter in the alphabet, which reminds me of Ephesians chapter five, and I have twenty finger and toes, to remind me of the verse twenty. So I will never forget where it is found!
I felt like the Holy Spirit kept working on me with the words “ALL THINGS.” Now that I am old, I keep looking back over my life, with so much regret over all the mistakes I have made, and all the things that have gone wrong in my life. The idea of giving thanks for ‘ALL THINGS’ seemed crazy! What about all the bad things? All the bad things that have happened to me, all the times people have been so bad to me, and tried to kill me and hurt me, and so forth? So I had a problem with this idea of giving thanks for all the bad things. I had no problem with giving thanks for all the good things! Lots of good things have happened to me too! I struggled with this. It just wasn’t logical to thank God for all the bad things.
Sometimes ‘forgiving’ can be a problem. I have tried so many times to overcome this problem by praying and forgiving all the people that have been horrible to me. Sometimes sins and weaknesses can be a problem too. I have been down that road so many times, and asked the Lord to forgive me. Still, I wasn’t healed.
We have a park near where we live, and I love going for walks to the park. I take it as a ‘prayer walk.’ I talk to the Lord all the way there and back. If there is no one around, I just love to swing on the swing for a few minutes. It takes me back to my childhood, and makes me happy. One day, after my swing, I got to thinking about saying a prayer of thanks. I got to thinking – it is not like gambling – I won’t lose any money! That was a relief! So, as I walked through the parking lot, I said a little prayer, and thanked God for ALL the things that had happened in my life! Boom! Something happened in the spirit realm! I could feel that something had happened! When we were kids we used to sing a chorus that went something like this: ‘Jesus took my burdens, and He rolled them in the sea, rolled them in the sea, rolled them in the sea, and now I am so happy, as happy as can be, For Jesus took my burdens, and He rolled, and He rolled, and He rolled, and He rolled, and He rolled them in the sea.’ That is what it felt like in my spirit. It was as if I had a big sack of burdens had rolled off my back! I remember seeing a Pilgrim’s Progress book once, with a picture of Pilgrim with a big sack on his back, that rolled off.
From that moment on, my ear started healing up. After about two weeks, my ear was healed. My skin had grown over the place where the sore was. Every night when I lie in bed, I raise my hands and thank my Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for healing my ear. I am so grateful to God.
It is so wonderful to be healed. There are so many sicknesses and diseases in the world, and I don’t know the answers to all the problems, but from my experiences, I think the answer is to ask God what you must do to get healed. Many times in the Bible, people had to do things to get healed. For example, Naaman had to dip in the River Jordan seven times to get healed of his leprosy. Jesus told a man to stretch out his hand, and he got healed. Jesus put mud on a guy’s eyes and told him to wash his eyes, and he was healed of his blindness. There are many such stories in the Bible.
Since my ear got healed I have had other problems, and each time there was a different solution. So I will share with you some of these others problems that I have had, and maybe it can give you ideas of how you can get healed.
One day I had a terrible toothache in the top right hand side on my jaw. I prayed, and the pain went away! It was so simple, that I took it for granted. A few months later I had a toothache in the bottom right side of my jaw. I prayed, but the pain didn’t go away. The pain was so terrible, and wouldn’t go away, that I started taking pain tablets. When I took the pain tablets, it would take about an hour and a quarter before the pain would subside. One day my wife saw me popping the pills into my mouth, and warned me it could damage my stomach and kidneys. That scared me, so I stopped taking the pills. Afterwards, I was driving to the supermarket to get groceries, and a chorus popped into my head that I had heard many years before. It went something like this: ‘And the blood will never lose it’s power, no never, no never. Jesus’ blood avails for me forever, it will never lose it’s power.’ So I sang it over and over again.
That night we were having family time, and the tooth pain started again. So I sang the chorus, and after a few minutes, the pain went away. That night when I went to bed, the pain came back, so I sang the chorus again, and in a few minutes the pain went away. Every time the pain started, I would sing a whole lot of songs about the blood of Jesus, and the pain would go away. The blood of Jesus is more effective than the extra strength pain tablets, and it works much faster! Glory to God!
One day, I got off my computer chair, and it felt like my right leg popped out of my hip. I could hardly walk. I spent the rest of the day lying down. The next morning, I still had the problem. I kept praying for the Lord to help me and show me what I must do to get healed. I felt I needed to sing a bit. I took my guitar and hobbled down to the basement. It was very early in the morning, and I didn’t want to disturb the rest of the family, so that is why I went to the basement. I was struggling to stand up, but I felt I must sing and praise the Lord. A song came to my mind about the blood of Jesus that I had written many years before. It was a communion type song, and it started like this: ‘I remember You, as I take this piece of bread, I remember how Your body, was broken in my stead, I remember how, they placed a crown of thorns on Your head, and that spear went through your side, and your precious blood you shed.’
I couldn’t remember all the words, but I felt in my spirit, that I must put the song on the YouTube. So I hobbled back upstairs to my room, found the tape that I had recorded many years earlier, and transferred it onto my computer. I took a few hours of putting together pictures for the video, but eventually it was on YouTube. When I stood up from the computer chair, I was healed! Hallelujah. What a relief! Glory to God! I am so grateful for all the times that the Lord has healed me.
Beloved, I hope these stories have helped you a bit to get some ideas about how you could possibly get healed. There is only one healer, and that is the Lord. In the Bible it says: ‘I am the LORD that heals you.’ Beloved, please read the Bible, and draw close to the Lord, and I am sure the Lord will show you how you too can receive your healing. In heaven there is no sickness, and no pain. Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. God bless.
Here is another healing story that took place a couple of weeks ago. We were supposed to give a friend a ride to church, and when my wife tried to ring her at the apartment building, there was no reply. On the way to church we saw her on a hospital stretcher about to get loaded into an ambulance! What a shock!
After about a week in hospital she came to stay with us for a few days. One of the problems she had was to do with her heart. Just before I was to take her home, I felt a tremendous pain in my heart. It felt like someone had his hand on my heart and was squeezing it with all his might. I was at my computer, crying out in pain. My daughter was on the computer next to me, and immediately she prayed for me and rebuked the devil. Then she told me to tell Satan to leave. So I did, and it felt like a hand slowly released my heart, and the pain was gone. It seems like the devil who attacked our friend was now attacking me! Later when I went to the washroom, it felt like the devil wanted to attack me again, but I rebuked him and he left.
Beloved, if you are a servant of God, there is a strong possibility that Satan will attack you too. So, be aware of that, and resist him in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hallelujah.
Here is a link to the communion song I mentioned earlier. I remember You
Country Gospel Songs by Charley Pride
Many years ago I heard some very nice country gospel songs by Charley Pride, so I have compiled some of my favorite ones here, and I hope they are a blessing to you.
2. Angel band
3. Be grateful
Wouldn’t it be nice if all God’s children would just love each other and put aside all their differences of beliefs like Charley Pride mentions in this lovely country gospel song?
5. Brush Arbor meeting – with pictures
This lovely song was written by Dolly Parton.
It was so nice to hear this old country gospel song again, and Charley Pride does it real good.
10. He’s the Man
13. I`ll fly away
15. Jesus is your Savior, child
16. Let me live in the light of His love
20. This highway leads to Glory – A country gospel song by Charley Pride
This is my favorite. I sang it the other day in church.
This is my second favorite country gospel song by Charley Pride.
22. Wings of a dove
Country Gospel Songs by Dottie Rambo
I think the first country gospel song I ever heard that was written by Dottie Rambo was ‘Remind me.’ I heard it on a Jimmy Swaggart record that Pastor Marks had lent me back in the 60’s, when I was at college in Salisbury, Rhodesia.
1. Tears will never stain the streets of that city
I first heard this song on a Jerry Lee Lewis country gospel record that I bought at a shop in Pretoria.
3. I just came to talk with you Lord – A Country Gospel Song by Dottie Rambo
4. Sheltered in the arms of God
This is one of my wife’s favorite songs. I bought her a record of Jimmy Swaggart singing it before we got married. At the time, she was living in Swaziland.
I seem to recall hearing that Elvis was going to do a whole album of Dottie Rambo’s songs to help her financially, but died before he had the chance. Apparently, this was the only song of hers that he recorded.
6. I’ve never been this homesick before
I was having meetings with Pastor Eldon King in Arkansas back in 1983, and he had a record of Jimmy Swaggart and John Starnes singing this song. I loved it so much. I was so homesick for Africa. This song dug way down deep inside my heart. A few years later we went back to Africa, and I sung this song a lot!
7. I’m gonna leave here shoutin’
8. Mama’s teaching angels how to sing
9. He looked beyond my fault and saw my need
This song was also on the Jerry Lee Lewis record that I had.
12. Stand by the river – with Dolly Parton
13. New shoes
15. In the valley He restoreth my soul
One time we were having meetings in the Stutterheim area, and my wife wrote her own song on this subject.
16. Pass me not
17. She testifies about her life
19. Songs she wrote to and for her mother
20. Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
This is such an anointed song. Dottie Rambo sure wrote a lot of good old country gospel songs.
21. Telling her stories on Dove Nightline – Part 1
She had a tough childhood – tougher than mine! She had to choose between Jesus and her dad.
22. Part 2
23. Part 3
24. Part 4
25. Part 5
26. Part 6
27. Part 7
28. Part 8
29. Part 9
30. Part 10
31. Part 11
32. Part 12
33. Part 13
34. Part 14
35. Dolly Parton and Larry Ferguson – the rose ceremony
36. Larry Ferguson on Atlanta ‘live’
37. Larry Ferguson on the Jim Bakker Show
38. BBC documentary
39. Her Home-going service Part 1
40. Part 2
41. Part 3
42. Part 4
43. Part 5
44. Part 6
45. Part 7
46. Part 8
47. Part 9
48. Part 10
49. Part 11
50. Part 12
51. Part 14
52. Part 15
53. Part 16
54. Part 17
55. Part 18
56. Part 19
I still sing some of Dottie Rambos country gospel songs like: ‘A prisoner of love.’ Also another one that says: ‘When I’m down, when I’m down on the ground, when my heart is filled with fear and doubt, then I lift up my head, and He lifts up my heart, and my troubles they all roll away.’ When I was in Africa, I had lots of their gospel records. Another one I loved went like this: ‘Mama always had a song to sing, she taught us that a melody could change most anything, so I’ll wipe away my tears, Mama sing me Home sweet home, and nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee.’ God bless y’all.
Country Gospel Songs by Skeeter Davis
When I was a teenager I heard Skeeter Davis on the radio singing a love song which I didn’t really care for, because it was so sad. However, yesterday I found her singing a whole lot of good old country gospel songs, so I am sharing these with you! I hope these will bless you as much as they have blessed me!
2. We need a whole lot more of Jesus – A country gospel song by Skeeter Davis
I had never heard this song before, but the way Skeeter Davis does it, really touched my heart. Jesus loves you, do you know that?
5. I won’t have to cross Jordan alone
We need to know we are saved before we die.
I wish I had a radio station where I could hear all these lovely country gospel songs all day. But, Praise the Lord, we have the internet, so if you are at home with a computer, you can listen all day!
7. Try Jesus
9. Daddy was an old time preacher man
I heard Neville Johnson on a video in church saying that when people stand in the river of life in heaven, all their hurts are washed away.
Dear friend, please accept Jesus Christ as your Savior now. Just say you are sorry for all your sins and receive Him as your Savior. It only takes a few seconds, and you can be a new person.
14. I’ll meet you in the morning
15. Amazing grace
18. Whispering hope
20. Silent night
21. Who am I
22. How beautiful heaven must be
I love all these country gospel songs, and as you are blessed by them, maybe Skeeter Davis will receive rewards in heaven. Amen. God bless y’all.
Gospel songs by Wendy Bagwell and The Sunliters
In 1971, I was singing in Tzaneen, and bought a record of gospel songs by Wendy Bagwell and The Sunliters. The only song I can actually remember now is the one about the black sheep. Here are a bunch of songs I found on the YouTube, and I hope they are a blessing to you.
1. This train
6. Borrowed
8. Clinging to the Master’s hand
15. Heaven will surely be worth it all
17. Travel onward
18. Silver and gold
I always tell my family that “The guns are loaded an’ the doors are bolted!” Those words are from this song. Thank you Wendy Bagwell and The Sunliters. May you receive your rewards in heaven.
23. Never been this homesick before
25. He is risen
28. On my mother’s side – A Gospel Song by Wendy Bagwell and The Sunliters
This is a fascinating song. When Jesus was little in the temple talking to the leaders of Israel, and they ask him questions. For example: “How old are you?” “On my mother’s side I am 12 years, but on my Father’s side I’ve always been!” This song gives a fantastic look at Jesus. I was lying in bed last night thinking that Jesus is the creator of the universe, so he can fix anyone’s body just with his word. He created everything by his word.
29. Tell it again
32. Sing me a good ol’ gospel song
33. It ain’t love till you give it away
34. Show me the way
39. After awhile
49. Heaven
50. Good news
52. Interview with Little Jan Buckner Goff
53. Healing in the rain – Jan on the Gaither show
54. Here come the rattlesnakes – Wendy Bagwell “live”
We visited America in 1976, and I heard the rattlesnake story on the radio. So I bought a long playing record that had that story on it, and took it back to Africa with me.
I 1983 I was singing in Arkansas, and met a guy by the name of Wendall, then I realized that Wendy Bagwell was short for Wendall. When I first bought their record in 1971, I thought Wendy was the name of one of the girl singers! So they are called The Sunliters!
Gospel songs by Gordon Davis – Elvis tribute artist
The other week I was looking at different Elvis tribute artists singing gospel songs, and this gentleman stood out to me – Gordon Davis. It was so refreshing to hear the “live” music and back up singers, as most of the artists have canned music. He is so good looking, and has such nice mannerisms.
1. Help me
On Saturday night I was so sick that I lost the will to live, and this song sung by Gordon Davis kept running through my head. Especially the last verse and chorus. “Come down from Your golden throne to me…” It was like my spirit was crying out to God for help. Yesterday I wrote down the words of the song, and will probably start singing it when my throat gets better. Many years ago when I read Johnny Cash’s book, he said the song was written by Larry Gatlin, but when I was looking at the words sung by Elvis Presley, they list a whole lot of others writers. On the page where Kris Kristofferson sings it, they have it listed that Larry Gatlin wrote it. So there is some mix up going on somewhere.
The first time I heard this song was on a Jimmy Swaggart record. I think it was written by Dottie Rambo.
Bill Gaither has influenced a lot of people through this beautiful song that he wrote. Thanks Bill.
To me this is one of the greatest worship songs, and Jesus said that the Father wants people to worship Him. (John chapter 4)
5. Stand by me
Some words in this song really touch my heart: “When I do the best I can, and my friends misunderstand….” That has been one of my big problems. People don’t understand, and criticize.
I remember singing this song on the beach in East London back in the 70’s.
If you don’t know the words to this song – you have a hole in your soul.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. Many thanks to Gordon Davis and the lovely ladies singing with him, and thanks to the musicians too. God bless y’all.
9. Gospel album
10. How great Thou art – with drums
11. Help me
15. On ITV News
Country Gospel Songs by The Wilburn Brothers
Yesterday I noticed that someone had come to this website by looking for The Wilburn Brothers singing: “How beautiful heaven must be.” So I decided to check out their country gospel songs, and this is the result.
1. How beautiful heaven must be
Some years back we met a man who had been in heaven. He said how he ate some fruit from a tree, and he could feel the taste of it go all through his body. Then another fruit popped up instantly in it’s place on the tree.
2. Don’t go home tonight unsaved
When I was a kid, I remember preachers telling us in to get saved because we might die on the way home from church. I thought it was just spook stories, until one day when I was riding my little bicycle, I was nearly hit by a car. I could have died and gone to hell. So I received Jesus as my Saviour. One preacher told us of a girl who said she would receive Jesus as her Saviour after her 21st birthday party. On the night of the party she was in a car with a drunk driver, and there was an accident. When the preacher visited her in hospital, she kept screaming: “It is too late” before she died.
I heard a guy testify how he was a singer at a night club, and on the way to work he would walk past a church and listen to them singing. One night he decided to go inside. So he stashed his drugs in a hole in the wall and sat on a chair by the back wall. He checked his watch every now and then, and when it was time to leave, he started getting up, when he felt two strong hands on his shoulders holding him down. Then he thought that the church must have a bouncer, so he gave him the back elbow – but his elbow hit the wall. Then he realized it must be an angel holding him down. The woman preacher came to him shaking her finger, and he surrendered his life to Christ.
I had never heard this song before, but the Wilburn Brothers sure know how to sing and play. I love the beautiful music of the band too.
5. Less of me
Back in the sixties I had a Bobby Bare record of him singing this song. When I sang this song with my band, it had an effect upon them.
One lady who went to heaven said that for each soul you win for Jesus, you get one brick for your mansion.
7. Daddy was an old time preacher man
Here is Dolly and Porter singing on their show.
8. May the good Lord bless and keep you
The Wilburn Brothers singing another famous old country gospel song.
I grew up in Rhodesia, and American country gospel records were very hard to find, but I remember hearing this song on a record by T. Texas Tyler (I think).
11. A beautiful life
In Africa, I heard this country gospel song on a record by Jim Reeves.
12. When the roll is called up yonder
When I was a little boy, this was my favourite hymn sung in the Sunday night services.
13. Blessed Jesus, hold my hand
15. Won’t it be wonderful there?
16. I’ll never leave my God alone
17. I need the prayers of those I love – A country gospel song by The Wilburn Brothers
18. Let the lower lights be burning
In 1966 I read a book called: The stories of D.L.Moody.” A man had the job of keeping the light burning in the lighthouse, but he fell asleep. When he woke up he saw a ship wrecked on the rocks. He ran down to the beach, and the first body that washed up on the beach was that of his son. Beloved, we must keep our lights burning!
19. I’ve got that old time religion in my heart
“Thank you” to The Wilburn Brothers for their lovely videos.
21. These little eyes that look at me
When my son got born, I went to see my wife in the hospital the next day, and there was this beautiful little boy in her arms. When those little eyes looked at me, and I went gooie all inside of me. It felt like my heart melted.
23. Farther along
24. Get all excited
25. Take up thy cross – side one
26. Side two
28. Will you be ready (to wear a golden crown)?
Church and Elvis Gospel Songs
Yesterday I came across this church that played Elvis gospel songs as part of their worship, and I enjoyed it so much. I found myself worshiping the Lord.
1. Church Paradiso and Elvis gospel music Part 1
This church is in Amsterdam, and they speak Dutch, but the singing is in English. I really loved the way the choir sings with Elvis. It was such a blessing to me. In fact, even Elvis sounded better with the choir backing him! I loved the way the choir swayed to the music. The audience was fantastic too.
2. Part 2
I confess, I skipped through most of the talking parts, but I loved the singing.
3. Part 3
I really enjoyed that last song, and it looked like the people were almost dancing out of the church. I got such a charge out of that. In fact I felt quite sad that the church service was over.
4. Jay Zanier
This is Jay Zanier singing at a church in Mississauga. O Happy Day, He touched me, Walk them golden stairs, How great Thou art, Where no one stands alone.
5. Malt Shop Memories Cruise 2013 – Elvis gospel tribute “live”
These guys sing really well. They are top notch singers and performers. They are better than I have ever been. The lead singers are: Jay Zanier, Dwight Icenhower, Mark Anthony, James Gibb and Di Leichtweis. The band and back up singers are very good too. Excellent show! Some of those slow gospel songs were sung with so much feeling.
6. Gospel Elvis – Leland Johnson
We heard Leland about 20 years ago in a church, and really loved his performance. In fact we bought a few of his tapes, and I have had his poster on my bedroom wall all this time. I think he lives near Calgary.
7. Elvis gospel tribute – James Anderson
This gentleman sings real good, and has recordings available for purchase. He is also from Canada.
8. Jeff Lewis – He touched me 2011
This is part of the Memphis contest.
9. Jeff Lewis – How great Thou art
I think this is one of the best worship songs ever.
10. Elvis Priestly – Eternity Rolls
This gentleman is also from Canada, and runs his own church, where he sings Elvis gospel songs.
11. Jack Nelson – Somebody bigger than you and I
This man sings so nice, that I have done a separate section on him.
There are lots of other Elvis gospel tribute artists that I have links to, but I will add them at a later date.