I remember reading on Facebook that the Bible is banned in 52 countries. If it is a book of fairy tales, why is it hated so much? In some countries some people are put in prison, or put to death, for possessing a Bible. So I came up with an idea to try and do some parts of the Bible in pictures and make a website for people across the world to read, without actually possessing a Bible, and hopefully not getting into trouble. Hence the website: Free online Bible comics, Bible verses and Gospel comics.  

Comic – Gospel of John (highlights)

When I watch the rugby games on the YouTube, they often just show the “highlights” of the games. So this is what I am doing – I am “highlighting” certain verses from The Gospel of John.

I am using the American King James Version of the Bible because it is “Public Domain.” All the other versions of the Bible are copyrighted.

More verses will be added later. God bless you all.




Paul – 2nd letter to Timothy

When I watch the rugby games on the YouTube, they often just show the “highlights” of the games. So this is what I am doing – I am “highlighting” certain verses from Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

 I am using the American King James Version of the Bible because it is “Public Domain.” All the other versions of the Bible are copyrighted.