Happy New Year

Beloved, the other day at the supermarket I met up with an old acquaintance, and she smiled and said to me: “Happy New Year.” She means well, but those words just keep ‘pushing my buttons.’ Every church I have ever been to, claim to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. However, I have never been in any church that actually believes in God’s New Year. All the church people seem to put Satan’s New Year higher than God’s New Year. God’s New Year is found in Exodus chapter 12. So I guess I have to keep on ‘bugging’ the church people until they start believing the Word of God. Sorry if I irritate you, but I want people to believe the truth. The Devil is a liar and he deceives so many people. All liars are going to end up in the lake of fire, and I don’t want to go there, and I don’t want you to go there. Jesus said: “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” Julius Caesar brought January into the calendar because it was named after an idol that he worshipped as his god of beginnings and endings. Idol worship is forbidden in the Word of God. God even said we must not even mention the name of another god, neither must it be heard out of our mouth. If I don’t warn people, then their blood might be required of my hand. Beloved, this is serious stuff. Please obey the Word of God, and may God bless you.

Love your enemies

Yesterday I prayed a prayer to God for all my enemies to get saved, and it felt like a load lifted off my back. Then I thought of doing a picture of a hand, to try and find a way to remember the words of Jesus.

Beloved, I want to encourage you to follow Jesus and His words.

Ark of the Covenant

What Ron Wyatt saw, was the original Ark of the Covenant. There was a second one made for the second temple. One of the ancient writings mentions that they heard a voice from the mercy seat, concerning Mary the mother of Jesus. (The Gospel of the birth of Mary 5:13 – The lost books of the Bible). Maybe that is the Ark that is in Ethiopia. Maybe the Ethiopian eunuch took it there in his chariot. (Acts 8:26-40). Philip was busy with a revival in Samaria when he was called away by an angel to minister to one man. So that guy must have been very important in the eyes of God. The second golden candlestick was taken away to Rome and is featured on the Arch of Titus.

There are lots more things to share, but some things are top secret, and I don’t want to get in trouble by revealing them. Beloved, the blood of Jesus is still alive. Ron had it tested in a laboratory in Israel. There is still ‘power in the blood.’ God’s blood cannot die. When I was in the torture chamber of Caiaphas, I saw red on the wall and I wondered if it was the blood of Jesus. Beloved, only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins! I do not know Ron Wyatt, but I appreciate his ministry, and respect him highly.

There is a serious warning concerning the blood of Jesus in Hebrews 10:29:

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Ron Wyatt – The Ark of the Covenant – (RonWyatt.com) 19.35 minutes


I remember reading on Facebook that the Bible is banned in 52 countries. If it is a book of fairy tales, why is it hated so much? In some countries some people are put in prison, or put to death, for possessing a Bible. So I came up with an idea to try and do some parts of the Bible in pictures and make a website for people across the world to read, without actually possessing a Bible, and hopefully not getting into trouble. Hence the website: Free online Bible comics, Bible verses and Gospel comics.  

Comic – Gospel of John (highlights)

When I watch the rugby games on the YouTube, they often just show the “highlights” of the games. So this is what I am doing – I am “highlighting” certain verses from The Gospel of John.

I am using the American King James Version of the Bible because it is “Public Domain.” All the other versions of the Bible are copyrighted.




Paul – 2nd letter to Timothy

When I watch the rugby games on the YouTube, they often just show the “highlights” of the games. So this is what I am doing – I am “highlighting” certain verses from Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

 I am using the American King James Version of the Bible because it is “Public Domain.” All the other versions of the Bible are copyrighted.

Paul – A letter to Timothy

When I watch the rugby games on the YouTube, they often just show the “highlights” of the games. So this is what I am doing – I am “highlighting” certain verses from Paul’s first letter to Timothy.

I am using the American King James Version of the Bible because it is “Public Domain.” All the other versions of the Bible are copyrighted.